Saturday, 22 February 2014

5 Tips for Healthy Eyes

Healthy eyes help us carry out our daily activities efficiently. But we usually forget the importance of eye health until a problem arises. There are many things we can do to have healthy eyes and a clear vision. Below are five effective tips.

1. Eating fruits and green, leafy vegetables helps a lot in protecting our sight. Omega-3 found in oily fish is also found to clear eyesight. Vitamin A and minerals such as zinc are required for maintaining and improving eye health.

2. Obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes which can lead to poor vision and even blindness. So, one of the ways to take good care of your eyes is to maintain a healthy weight.

3. Smoking can cause macula degeneration, cataract and optic nerve damage. If you're smoking, please quit smoking, and if you're not, never start.

4. Wear sunglasses for protection against sun's ultraviolet rays. Too much exposure to UV rays increases your risk of getting cataract as well as macula degeneration which leads to loss of central vision.

5. Don't spend much time looking at the screen of your computer, so look away from the computer screen from time to time. It is advised to rest your eyes every 20 minutes by looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Monday, 17 February 2014

10 Ways to Look Younger and Minimize the Risk of Illness

Looking and feeling younger is what most of us desire. Even though maintaining good health habits cannot guarantee a longer life, it most certainly improve the quality of your life. Below are 10 simple habits that will help minimize the risk of illness and enrich life.

1.       Avoid/Stop Smoking: Smoking is known to cause premature death. Lung cancer, emphysema, heart attack, stroke, etc are serious diseases associated with smoking. It is not too late to quit smoking.

2.       Stop Drinking Alcohol: Alcohol consumption gradually reduces brain function. If continued, control becomes impaired, causing slurred speech and slower reactions. Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, impotence (in men), menstrual irregularity (in women), sleeping disorders and cancer of some digestive organs are but few of the diseases caused by alcoholism.

3.       Don`t Abuse the Use of Drugs: Drug abuse leads to serious health problems. It`s not only illegal drugs that are abused, legalised drugs such as laxatives, painkillers and cough medicines can also be abused. Pregnant women are strongly not advised to use any drug without prescription by a qualified medical doctor.

4.       Get Rid of Stress: Stress is part of our daily lives, but the problem comes when there is excessive stress which can produce symptoms like headache, fatigue, insomnia and nauusea. It is important that you learn to recognise the things most likely to cause stress in your life.

5.       Maintain a Healthy Weight: Weight control is a difficult task that requires continous attention over a lifetime.

6.       Eat Right and Keep the Body Hydrated: Eating the right food in the right quantity and proportions helps a lot. Taking enough fluids flushes out toxic waste from the body and keeps the skin looking fresher, healthier and glowing.

7.       Regular Exercise: Regular exercise is a key factor to staying healthy. The health benefits of exercise cannot be over emphasized; it strengthens the bones, heart and lungs, tones muscles and increases vitality. It relieves depression and makes you sleep better.

8.       Care for Your Teeth: Good dental hygiene is essential to keeping your teeth for a lifetime. Proper hygiene should include brushing twice a day, use of flouride toothpaste, limiting sugar intake and regular dental check-ups.

9.       Regular Medical Check-ups: Frequent visits to the doctor is a healthy lifestyle. Diseases can be detected andd treated on time before becoming difficult to deal with.

10.   Smile: Smiling relieves tension and gives a person a healthier and youthful look all the time.


Friday, 14 February 2014

Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is known to have some health benefits and therapeutic effects, even though some mechanisms by which it fight certain infections are not clearly known. Honey has high levels of fructose and glucose. Other constituents are the minerals and water. Below are some of the health benefits derived from using honey.

·         Honey has the ability of fighting bacterial infections and can even serve as a preventive agent. So, honey is a good anti-bacterial.

·         Honey has the ability of relieving cough especially among children.

·         It also helps the body regulate blood sugar level.

·         It is found that application of honey heals wounds and burns.

·         Use of honey can help beautify ones skin especially when mixed  with other ingredients.


Friday, 7 February 2014

5 Reasons You Should Have Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is of great importance to our overall health, and many health problems can have a link to sleep deprivation. If you are thinking on how less or enough sleep can have an impact on your health, below are five good reasons why you should enjoy those 7-8 hours on bed.

1.       Be Healthier: Lack of enough sleep can be associated to problems linked to blood pressure and heart rate. Enough sleep can help you have a healthier heart and, therefore, reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke.

2.       Be Less Stressed: Sleep deprivation causes stress which can lead to deterioration of health. Stress hormones  produced, hyper-aroused the body which leads to high blood pressure.

3.       Be Happier: Enough sleep makes you happier. Just remember that morning when you get ready for a work after a great night sleep.

4.       Be More Alert: You feel refreshed and energized whenever you wake up from a great sleep.

5.       Lose Weight: Surprisingly, lack of enough sleep is found to be associated to obesity. If you want to maintain a healthy weight, don`t forget to have a good sleep.





Saturday, 1 February 2014

Five Things to Consider to Have an Effective Workout

considering the health benefits workout brings, it has started becoming part of many people`s daily routine. It`s not only the way we workout that determines the success, but also some things we do before, during and after the workouts. Here are five things to consider to make our workouts effective.

1.       Warm-up: Make sure to have a few minutes warm up before  starting a powerful workout. A warm body is less prone to injuries.

2.       Eat after a workout: Your metabolism is high after workout. So, food is digested and absorbed quicker.

3.       Keep sipping water: Your body is dehydrated during workout, so try to keep hydrating it by sipping water. It would be better if the water is flavoured with electrolytes.

4.       Listen to your body: Don’t workout when you are sick, and don`t extend it beyond what your body can bear.

5.       Know your body: Do what suits your body, and don`t do what your body is not capable of bearing. Some people make mistake of following advice blindly. So, the best thing is to know your body  first.