Saturday, 29 March 2014

Tips to Prevent Cancer

Cancer is one of the most fearful diseases but, unfortunately, people are not putting effort to prevent themselves from this deadly disease. Cancer is not entirely genetic, many of our unhealthy lifestyles can lead to the development of cancer. So, healthy lifestyles are effective at lowering the risk of most types of cancer.

- Quit smoking. Smoking is responsible for lung cancer and many other types of cancer. Try as much as possible to give up smoking.

- Exercise often. Active lifestyle is one of the most effective ways to prevent diseases, cancer inclusive.

- Fruits and vegetables are known to help repair damaged cells. So, they help prevent cancer.

- Regular screening for cancer helps not only in detecting cancer but also in preventing it.

- Skin cancer is one of the frequently seen types of cancer, and too much skin exposure to sun is one of the causes. Always try to get a cover to avoid direct skin exposure to sun.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Healthy Breakfast

Eating a good and balanced breakfast will make you eat less during the lunch and the dinner, and this will help you maintain a healthy weight. A balanced breakfast can serve as a fuel for metabolic activities in the body throughout the day. To achieve this, a breakfast need to contain more than one class of food so as to have a variety of nutrients for maintaining and improving health.

Fruits contain a variety of different nutrients. To take advantage of this, try to always have a mixture of fruits. You can also take a fruit juice during your breakfast.

The protein, fat, vitamin A and B2, iron, calcium, and phosphorus found in eggs make them a good breakfast food. The yellowish centre of the yolk is where most of the nutrients are found.

Milk is also an effective breakfast food. It's packed with a number of essential nutrients that play various roles in achieving a homeostatic state of the body. These nutrients include protein, vitamin A, vitamin B-complex, vitamin D, folate, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and selenium.

Whole grain cereals are the main fuel providers. For a better day, a breakfast should contain a whole grain cereals. Their metabolism provide the body with the required energy.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

7 Health Benefits of Running

Running is effective at making you healthier. It can help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and many others. Some of the health benefits are:

1. Weight Loss

Running can help burn calories, thereby making you lose weight.

2. Healthy Heart

Running increases the heart activity, and this increases the blood supply to the body tissues.

3. Happiness

People who run are found to be happier than those who don't. Try it!

4. Relieve Stress

Running increases your ability to cope with stress, and this maybe associated with increased hormone secretion.

5. Brain Power

Running can boost your brain functions. During and after running, blood supply to the brain increases, and this helps it receive enough oxygen.

6. Strong Bones

Running is known to increase bone mass. This prevent diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis.

7. Boost Immunity

People that run have a stronger immune system. This lower down the chances of suffering from minor illnesses.

Friday, 7 March 2014

5 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power

Do you know there are things you can do to boost your brain? To help answer the question, below are five things you can do to unlock the full potential of your brain.

1. Exercise: Exercise activates your brain to work efficiently. This is achieved by increasing blood flow to the brain, improving development of neurons, preventing plaque build-up in the blood vessels, etc.

2. Challenge Your Brain: People usually keep on to the same routine each day. It's good to shake things up, so that your brain can have a new task to carry out.

3. Get Enough Sleep: Enough sleep will increase your memory. Brain organizes and store recently acquired information while asleep. Sleep improves your ability to think clearly.

4. Get Rid of Stress: Stress affects your ability to concentrate. Stress and depression increases cortisol levels in the brain, and this can affect certain areas of the brain.

5. Learn Something New: The more you use your brain, the better it will be. So, keep it active.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

5 Healthy Eating Habits

We all have to eat to live, and this brings about the importance of developing healthy eating habits. It's good to know what to eat, when to eat, and how to eat. Below are 5 simple healthy eating habits.

1. Eat Your Breakfast: Eating your breakfast will make you energetic to effectively carry out your daily activities. If you eat a nourished breakfast, you'll not feel the need to overeat during the lunch and the dinner. This is why people preparing to lose weight or wishing  to maintain a healthy weight are advised to never skip a breakfast.

2. Eat a Variety of Foods: You need many nutrients for good health, and you cannot get all of these nutrients from a single food.

3. Eat Small and Frequently: This will provide your body with a constant supply of nutrients throughout the day, and reduce the burden on your digestive system.

4. Eat Regularly: Skipping meals will make you very hungry, and this results in overeating. Overeating burdens your digestive system.

5.Drink Water: Drinking water may prevent you from overeating and ease digestion after meals. Drinking enough water aids every aspect of bodily function.