Tuesday, 24 December 2013

10 Reasons Why You Should Drink Enough Water

Water constitute the major part of all the cells in our body and, therefore, maintains the proper functioning of the cells. Water accounts for about 60% of our body, though this percentage may vary due to some factors like our body weights and the age. We sweat, we urinate, we walk, we run, we lift weights; all these and many more make us lose water throughout the day. This lost water needs to be replaced to stay heathy. But, unfortunately, many of us do not form the habit of drinking enough water. You want to maintain and improve your health? Drink enough water!

It`s widely said that we should take about 8 glasses of water a day, but one thing to consider here is that our water intake requirement differ. The best thing is to never ignore the signal your body sends when it needs water and, secondly, make a routine. For example, take water when you wake up in the morning, take it with each meal and between meals. Also, don`t forget to take water before, during  and after exercise. No words can fully explain the importance of water to our health.

Below are 10 reasons why you should take enough water.

1.       Healthy Skin

Water helps keep our skin healthy. It keeps our skin smooth and glowing, and gets rid of wrinkles.

2.       Energy Increase

Dehydration make us feel tired and, therefore, lowering our energy level which can be boosted by enough water intake.

3.       Proper Digestion

Water is highly needed for proper digestion.

4.       Weight Loss

Water is sugar-free and has no calories. In addition, it increases metabolism.

5.       Relieves headache

Dehydration is a common cause of headache. Drinking enough water can serve as natural headache cure.

6.       Better Productivity

Our brain is 90% made up of water. Drinking enough water helps us think better, become more concentrated and be more alert.

7.       Regulates Body Temperature

Water regulates changes in body temperature. When our body becomes hotter, we begin to sweat, and the evaporation of water from the skin cools the body.

8.       Removal of Metabolic Waste Products

Water removes waste products from the cells and remove them from the body through urine. Lack of enough water in the body can cause the accumulation of these waste products in the body, and that is harmful to our health.

9.       Joints Lubrication

Proper hydration keeps our joints lubricated. This will in turn make movements easier.

10.   Reduce Cancer Risk

Studies show that drinking enough water may reduce the risk of colon cancer and bladder cancer.



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